This page will help you generate a path tracking link. For this you will have to select first a path and an affiliate. Depending on path type you may be asked for Email parameter.
Once you fill in all the information click on Generate button. Below you will see the tracking link traffic should be sent to.
How path registration works
Each path has more offers that belongs to it. Also it can have one "next" path, when all offers from current path have been processed, it moves to the next defined path. If path type is Email, path tracking uses email parameter, if path type is IP, path tracking uses visitor IP to track processed offers.
First time a path tracking link is accessed, script takes offer with Priority 1, remembers it for this email or IP (depending of path type), generates a click tracking link for this offer and requested affiliate and redirects visit to this link for click registration.
Next time it will process the offer with Priority 2. When all path offers are processed, if path has a "next" path it moves to it's offers. Otherwise it loops in the current path's offers.
When tracking link is accessed, before being redirected to click registration link, the script will do a few path verifications first:
- Requested affiliate exists and is active
- Requested path exists and is active
- Verify affiliate is assigned to path
- Verify email parameter is present for paths of type email
- Verify is domain is correct