When you click on Add offer or Edit offer button you are redirect to the offer management page. Here you can specify offer's information:
- Offer name
- Price type, may be one of the options: CPA, CPCUNI, CPCRAW, REVSHARE
- CPA: Cost Per Acquisition. It's used when paying an Affiliate per conversion. The conversion is created with a postback request sent by Advertiser.
- CPCUNI: Cost Per Click, pays only per unique click. It counts conversions upon every successful redirect to the offer link. If click is not unique, you can define an offer to redirect visit to.
- CPCRAW: Cost Per Click, pays for each click.
- REVSHARE: Revenue Share. It's used to pay to the Affiliate a percentage of the revenue passed by the Advertiser. You should define a Default Revenue amount, in case Advertiser didn't pass the revenue, and Payout revshare - percentage value used to calculate Payout from total Revenue.
- Revenue - the price Advertiser pays for click
- Payout - amount that Affiliate will receive
- Redirect override URL - if filled in, the script will ignore everything about the offer and just redirect to specified URL, used to temporarily divert traffic to a new location
- Requires email - click will require an email parameter, if it's missing you can specify a redirect offer
- Email Oversight validation - will validate email parameter on click registration using Email Oversight service. If validation fails, the email is blacklisted and an invalid click is registered.
- Traffic Mansion validation - will get the redirect URL from Traffic Mansion service based on the email parameter. If it fails, you can specify an offer to which visit will be redirected to.
- Tags - can be useful in reports generation.
- Transfer cookie - subsequent visits by the user will be considered non-unique for any other affiliate or offer within the specified time.
- Status - if inactive, offer won't accept clicks
- Domain - choose domain which will accept clicks. Can allow all domains.
- Advertiser - defines to what advertiser this offer belongs.
- Affiliates - which affiliates are allowed to send traffic to this offer. Field will contain 2 lists: first list contains all available affiliates and the second list contains selected affiliates (the ones that are allowed by offer).
- Conversion CAP - defines maximum allowed conversions count for this offer in a defined interval of time (daily, weekly, monthly or total). If CAP count is reached, you can specify an offer to which click should be redirected.