When you click on Add affiliate or Edit affiliate button you are redirect to the affiliate management page. Here you can specify affiliate's information.
Affiliate details
- Affiliate (company) name
- Affiliate manager - each affiliate should be assigned to one Manager that is responsible of this affiliate. Managers are defined by Network's owners.
- Return URL - The URL where the visit will be redirected if offer CAP is reached, a redirect to affiliate rule is reached, or we encounter a problem like blacklisted visitor IP, offer is not active, domain is wrong, advertiser is not active, offer is not assigned to affiliate or other problems
- Affiliate postback URL - The URL where we will send notifications of conversions for non-CPC offers.
- Tags - can be useful in reports generation.
User details
Each affiliate can have one login user to access the user interface. Fill in these details to create a user for affiliate.
- User name
- Email address - used to login and for mail notifications
- Password - Can be set manually or if field is ignored, script will auto generate a password.
- Welcome email - if activated the user will receive on specified mail address a welcome email with login details.
Payout information
- Override payout - percentage number used to calculate conversion Payout out of offer's defined payout. For example: if offer's payout is $12 and affiliate's override payout value is 50%, the conversion payout will be 6$.
- Other fields are related to bank information for money transfers and minimum payment amount.