You can use the Tracking Filter API to find out in advance if click or path tracking will succeed by being redirected to the offer URL or fail due to email or IP being blacklisted, or maybe it would end redirecting to Affiliate Return URL. The response of this API will let you know if it's worth running the click against the user you're checking it on, or it would be a missed click.
Here are the API request details:
If the filter response is positive you will receive Status Code 200 and a JSON formatted response containing the URL you should send the user to.
If the click would fail you will receive Status Code 4xx and a JSON formatted response containing the error message.
Sample success response:
Sample fail response:
Below you can find the status error codes and their meaning:
- Error 400 – Click would redirect to Affiliate Return URL
- Error 422 – A required parameter is missing, like: email, filter_ip, filter_device_type or email domain is not accepted
- Error 460 - Offer was not found or is not active or provided ID is not a valid encoded identifier
- Error 461 - The IP is blacklisted
- Error 462 - The email is blacklisted
- Error 463 - Lander does not belong to offer
- Error 465 - Wrong domain for offer or path
- Error 466 - Advertiser is not found or is not active
- Error 467 - Offer is not assigned to affiliate
- Error 468 - Forwarding rules created a redirect loop
- Error 469 - Traffic Mansion API failed, but we don't have a fail redirect offer
- Error 470 - There is a problem with the Redirect Override URL
- Error 471 - Affiliate is inactive or wrong ID was provided
- Error 477 - Path doesn't exist or is not active
- Error 479 - Path is not assigned to affiliate
- Error 480 - No next processing offer has been found for path
- Error 481 - Fallback path was not found or got into a redirecting loop, because valid email was required but it was not provided
- Error 483 - Issue related to Offer redirect to Path
- Error 490 - Affiliate account is terminated